Food & Diet

Guinea pigs love to eat but are very particular about their food preferences. They are strict vegetarians eating plant materials only.

They will forage throughout the day and consume large quantities so it is important that they always have grass, hay and food available. Do not be alarmed if you see your pet eating its own feces, this is normal and helps the cavy recycle necessary nutrients and minerals.

There are several excellent pelleted guinea pig foods on the market. These foods have all the ingredients necessary for your cavy’s health, but often exclude vitamin C.

Hay is an important part of your pet’s diet. It helps keep the teeth worn down and satisfies his need to chew. It also provides necessary roughage. You should not feed coarse hay that can injure the soft tissues of the mouth or hay that is moldy or dirty.

Leafy Vegetables & Fruit
There should always be a little bit of leafy vegetables in the feed rack at all times. Guinea pigs don’t enjoy cold vegetables so let them warm to room temperature before feeding them to your pet. As a treat, your pet may enjoy fresh fruit like kiwi fruit, oranges, grapes, strawberries, peaches, apricots and melons.

Your guinea pig needs to have vitamin C to be a happy and healthy pet. Not providing this important supplement can be fatal. Luckily there are many supplements available as a liquid or chewable bites or treats.

Guinea pigs drink a lot of water and a dry diet increases the need for water. Always provide more water than you think your pet will need.

Harmful Foods
Not all vegetables are good for your cavy. Avoid spinach, peanuts, beet tops, potatoes, iceberg lettuce, onions, garlic, cabbage and broccoli. Never feed your pet chocolate or candies.

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